For a seamless SDK integration make sure to follow the section getting started.
You can check all the prerequisites that your app must meet for a successsful SDK integration under the prerequisites section.
Please note releases marked as release candidate - rc
are available to select customers in advance of the official release via partners-rc
cloudsmith repo. Please note regression tests and QA activity is incomplete and we strongly advise against shipping these versions into production environments.
4.8.2 - release candidate
release candidate
Fix (Android): addressed biometric performance on Pixel devices
4.8.1 - release candidate
release candidate
Improved biometric performance
Improved error handling and information - docs
SDK Size Reduction
Support for iOS emulator
Improved error handling and information
Integrators familiar with our error handling documentation will notice that we have:
Added more detailed insight and guidance for the different types of errors and the relevant error code ranges for integrators to be aware of.
More clearly laid out the different types of User Errors with their codes & descriptions.
Introduced a new "Rejected" error - we have split out instances where Liveness could not be established into a new "Rejected" error. Previously these were all labelled as "Spoofing" errors, however we recognized that in some instances these incorrectly added a framed the authentication attempt as more malicious than was fair. Please note, the guidance remains that all modelling is in some way predictive and thefore we would still advise that "Spoofing" does not guarantee that there was malicious intent and for various reasons it's still better to assume positive intent in how you handle these with users.
SDK Size Reduction
Following customer feedback, we have reduced the size of the biometric libraries which has reduced both the iOS and Android SDK integration and download size. Please note that integration size can vary significantly between customers so please contact us if you have questions in this area.
Support for iOS emulator
The Keyless iOS SDK can now be run on an iOS emulator on both Windows PC or Mac, allowing integrators to achieve faster develop and test cycles as they make changes.
UX: optional screens - it is now possible to opt-out the optional screens you don’t wish to show - docs
Enhancement: query remaining lockout time - docs
UX: optional screens
We understand that the experience our customers create for their end users is of the utmost importance. To provide greater flexibility, we’ve made certain screens and steps in the Authentication and Enrollment flows optional. These screens will remain visible by default, but you now have the ability to opt out of displaying those that are not relevant to your workflow. For more details, please refer to the documentation.
Please note that the camera view and Step 2 (“Enrollment Progress”) will remain mandatory for now, as they are critical to ensuring liveness detection and security during the capture process. However, Step 2 is highly customizable in terms of text and color scheme to align with your branding.
In upcoming releases, we will also be adding sample code and “User Flow” guides to further empower integrators and designers in tailoring their user experience.
Enhancement: query remaining lockout time
Customers can configure the maximum number of errors a user can make before being locked out for a 10-minute period.
Based on customer feedback, we’ve enhanced this feature to allow querying the remaining lockout time (in seconds) after a user has been locked out. For implementation details, please refer to the documentation.
This enhancement enables customers to display the remaining lockout time to users at any given moment, improving transparency and user experience.
Bugs and Fixes
Fix (Android): Resolved a compatibility issue between the Compose Material library and Flutter.
UX: SDK Theme is customizable by customer - docs
Feature: possibility to specify a path to Keyless artifacts. Artifacts are provided by Keyless by default. Artifacts path can be overridden by the customer.
Feature: improved PSD2 compliance - docs
Feature: account recovery - docs
Fix: remove lottie dependency
UX: remove success animation in favor of static image
API Surface: deprecate builder pattern in favor of optional config constructor parameters (builders are deprecated)
Feature: expose SDK logs to customer app - docs
Feature: expose JWT signature compatible with core backend key pairs - docs
Bugfix: internal data cleanup
Performance improvements: avoid unnecessary assets extraction
Feature: Shared Circuits: integrators can now set the desired number of shared circuits when calling an sdk configure Fix: Liveness: update liveness setting for higher security
Feature: enroll with Keyless from an Auth0 user’s IdToken
Dynamic linking feature: new API exposing interface to choose one authentication method (BiomAuthConfig | PinAuthConfig)
UI customization: it is now possible to customize the font for Keyless SDK screens
UI customization: it is now possible to customize the brand color (primary accent color) for Keyless SDK screens
Last updated
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