In this short guide, you will learn how to integrate the Keyless SDK in your Android or iOS mobile application, and enroll and authenticate users through the Keyless platform.
Before jumping into your code editor, make sure that you're familiar with the various components of the authentication system, and common biometic authentication flows.
Make sure you have both required API keys, and the list of productions hosts from your Keyless contact:
YOUR_CLOUDSMITH_TOKEN to download the SDK from cloudsmith repository
Set up a physical iOS device for running your app and enable the following permissions:
Enable Camera permissions: add the Privacy - Camera Usage Description key in your project’s Info.plist by adding the following (in XCode under Project > Info):
<string>Keyless needs access to your camera to enroll and authenticate you. Keyless cannot be used without your camera. Please allow camera permissions.</string>
Background processing. Enable the Background processing mode under Signing & Capabilities/Background Modes. Then, add the following in your project’s Info.plit (in XCode, under the key Permitted background task scheduler identifiers):
Extend any androidX activity that implements the interface for you, for example let your Activity extend the generic ComponentActivity or the more widespread AppCompatActivity.
If you use Proguard, add the following rules to your Proguard configuration file:
# Keyless Proguard
-keep class io.keyless.sdk.** {*;}
-keepclassmembers class io.keyless.sdk.** {*;}
In the the repositories section of the settings.gradle file of your Android application, add the following snippet, replacing YOUR_CLOUDSMITH_TOKEN with the CloudSmith token provided to you by Keyless.
In the android block of your project build.gradle file, typically app/build.gradle, make sure you have the following options:
android {
// ...
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
// add the following only if you're using Kotlin
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = "1.8"
Create a Podfile if you don’t already have one
$ cd your-project-directory
$ pod init
Set up Cocoapods to use your Cloudsmith credentials, by running the following commands, replacing YOUR_CLOUDSMITH_TOKEN with the Cloudsmith token provided you by Keyless.
git config --global credential.helper store
echo "" >> ~/.git-credentials
Add the KeylessSDK pod to your Podfile
# This is the Keyless repository for partners
source ''
target 'MyApp' do
# Add the Keyless pod
pod 'KeylessSDK'
Add the following at the bottom of you Podfile
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO'
Install the pods. If pod prompts you for authentication insert the string token as your username and then fill in YOUR_CLOUDSMITH_TOKEN as the password.
$ pod install
Analyzing dependencies
Cloning spec repo `cloudsmith-basic-keyless-partners-cocoapods-index` from ``
Username for '': token
Configure the Keyless SDK from your MainActivity, ViewModel or any class you use to communicate with Keyless. Note that configure is asynchronous so wait for the completion callback before calling the next Keyless APIs
The configure method requires a SetupConfig as parameter, as well as the KEYLESS_API_KEY and KEYLESS_HOSTS you received from Keyless. You should listen to the result as follows:
val setupConfig = SetupConfig(
hosts = listOf("KEYLESS_HOSTS")
Keyless.configure(setupConfig) { result ->
when (result) {
is Keyless.KeylessResult.Success -> {
Log.d("KeylessSDK", "configure success")
// Keyless is ready, you can now call
// enroll/authenticate/deEnroll ...
is Keyless.KeylessResult.Failure ->{
Log.d("KeylessSDK", "configure error")
// Inspect result.error for more info
Create an instance object of Keyless.SetupConfiguration and pass it to the Keyless.configure method, typically this is done in your app’s application(:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method:).
let setupConfig = SetupConfig(
hosts: ["KEYLESS_HOSTS"]
if let error = Keyless.configure(configuration: setupConfig) {
print("Keyless.Configure failed with error: \(error)")
Initialize the Keyless SDK in your Application class:
Configure the Keyless SDK from your MainActivity, ViewModel or any class you use to communicate with Keyless. Note that configure is asynchronous so wait for the completion callback before calling the next Keyless APIs
The configure method requires a SetupConfiguration as parameter, as well as the KEYLESS_API_KEY and KEYLESS_HOSTS you received from Keyless. You should listen to the result as follows:
val setupConfiguration = SetupConfiguration.builder
Keyless.configure(setupConfiguration) { result ->
when (result) {
is Keyless.KeylessResult.Success -> {
Log.d("KeylessSDK", "configure success")
// Keyless is ready, you can now call
// enroll/authenticate/deEnroll ...
is Keyless.KeylessResult.Failure ->{
Log.d("KeylessSDK", "configure error")
// Inspect result.error for more info
Create an instance object of Keyless.SetupConfiguration and pass it to the Keyless.configure method, typically this is done in your app’s application(:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method:).
let setupConfiguration = Keyless.SetupConfiguration.builder
if let error = Keyless.configure(configuration: setupConfiguration) {
print("Keyless.Configure failed with error: \(error)")
Configure the Keyless SDK in your app's initialization code:
final setupConfig = SetupConfig(
hosts: ["KEYLESS_HOSTS"],
try {
await Keyless.instance.configure(setupConfig);
print("Keyless SDK configured successfully");
// Keyless is ready, you can now call
// enroll/authenticate/deEnroll ...
} catch (error) {
print("Failed to configure Keyless SDK: $error");
// Handle error
Make sure to set up the required permissions in both Android and iOS platforms as described in their respective tabs.
Additional configuration
As well as the essential configuration parameters, you can also specify the optional configuration parameters detailed in the following sections. You can inspect the Config class to see optional parameters (or the builder to see exposed methods)
Logging is disabled by default.
Please note logs do not include any Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
Keyless allows you to:
enable logging to the Keyless infrastructure - keylessLogsConfiguration
collect logging for you own analytics without sending them to the Keyless infrastructure - customLogsConfiguration
let configuration = Keyless.SetupConfiguration
.withApiKey("some api key")
keylessLogsConfiguration: KeylessLogsConfiguration(enabled: true, logLevel: .INFO),
customLogsConfiguration: CustomLogsConfiguration(enabled: true, callback: { event in
Keyless.configure(setupConfiguration: configuration) { error in
// handle error
Collect logs after setting up custom logging with customLogsConfiguration option:
Start collecting the Keyless.customLogs flow (This must happen before a Keyless.configure() to get all Logs Events):
Keyless.customLogs.collect { logEvent ->
// handle the logEvent
Configure the SDK with the following SetupConfig:
val setup = SetupConfig(
apiKey = "...",
hosts = listOf(""),
customLogsConfiguration = LogsConfiguration(
enabled = true,
logLevel = LogLevels.INFO // This is optional and defaults to INFO
var myEventCollection = [LogEvent]()
let configuration = Keyless.SetupConfiguration
.withApiKey("some api key")
keylessLogsConfiguration: KeylessLogsConfiguration(enabled: true, logLevel: .INFO),
customLogsConfiguration: CustomLogsConfiguration(enabled: true, callback: { event in
Keyless.configure(setupConfiguration: configuration) { error in
// handle error
Logging Levels
You may set different logging levels to provide more or less information in logs.
The available levels are the following:
INFO (default)
The TRACE level provides the following additional data:
coreLogHistory (used for detailed debugging)
Liveness Lockout policy
Keyless has both client side (applicable to a specific device) and server side (applicable to all users and devices) lockout policies to help prevent brute force attacks.
Client side lockout is configurable in the SDK, and determines how many failed login attempts (lockoutAttemptsThreshold) are allowed over a set time period (lockoutAttemptsResetAfter) before the user is locked out for the set duration (lockoutDuration) on that device.
Account lockoutDuration must be greater than or equal to the lockoutAttemptsResetAfter so that it is not reset by lockoutAttemptsResetAfter.
Server side lockout works similarly, except applies to all authentication devices for a specific user, and is configured to lock a user out for 10 minutes after 5 failed attempts. A successful login resets the count of failed authentication attempts to zero.
Tampered device check
Checking for rooted/jailbroken phones is an unreliable process but you can enable the check with tamperedDeviceCheck(). If you enable this check, and the SDK detects that phone was tampered with, the Keyless SDK will return an error and prevent the user from authenticating.
Enrollment circuits
To speed up enrollment you can use the numberOfEnrollmentCircuits to upload less than the default of five circuits upon enrollment. The remainder (50 - numberOfEnrollmentCircuits) are uploaded asynchronously.
Shared circuits
This is the target desired number of circuits shared between client and server. To set this number use the numberOfSharedCircuits.
Networking module
If you need to perform network requests on behalf of Keyless SDK, you can implement the KLNetworkingModule interface. Set the networkingModule parameter with an instance of the KLNetworkingModule:
public interface KLNetworkingModule {
public fun sendHTTPRequest(
baseUrl: String,
path: String,
method: String,
headers: Map<String, String>,
body: String
): KLHTTPResponse
public data class KLHTTPResponse(
val errorCode: Int,
val httpCode: Int,
val responseBody: String
public protocol KLNetworkingModule {
func sendHTTPRequest (
host: String,
url : String,
method: String,
headers : [String: String],
body : String) -> KLHTTPResponse
public struct KLHTTPResponse {
var errorCode: Int
var httpCode: Int
var responseBody : String
public init(errorCode: Int, httpCode: Int, responseBody: String) {
self.errorCode = errorCode
self.httpCode = httpCode
self.responseBody = responseBody