PIN authentication

Use a PIN to perform specific operations when biometric authentication is not necessary

For authentication scenarios that don't require biometric recognition, you can use PIN as an alterntative.

PIN authentication only supports Operation info

Keyless requires at least one of the following authentication mechanisms to be present for each user:

  • biometric authentication

  • PIN

Enrollment with PIN

To use PIN during enrollment, add the PIN parameter to the builder configuration:

val configuration = EnrollmentConfiguration.builder

To enroll multiple authentication mechanisms, call EnrollmentConfiguration once for each mechanism.

Authentication with PIN

To use PIN during authentication, add the PIN parameter to the builder configuration:

PIN authentication only supports Operation info

val configuration = AuthenticationConfiguration.builder

De-enrollment with PIN

To de-enroll your user using the PIN authentication mechanism, specify the dedicated builder parameter:

Note that de-enrolling deletes the user biometrics as well as the PIN. If you just want to remove the PIN authentication mechanism, use the PIN utilities instead.

val configuration =

PIN utilities

To change the PIN use the Keyless.changePin API:

fun changePin(
  oldPin: String,
  newPin: String,
  onCompletion: (KeylessResult<KeylessSdkSuccess, KeylessSdkError>) -> Unit

To remove the PIN mechanism and keep the user enrolled use the Keyless.removePin API:

fun removePin(
  pin: String,
  onCompletion: (KeylessResult<KeylessSdkSuccess, KeylessSdkError>) -> Unit

Last updated