Account Linking Config

The OpenID Connect SP configuration is configured to allow users to authenticate with Okta into the Account Linking page.


  • Login and Logout redirect URIs provided to you by Keyless.

  1. Log into your Okta administration portal.

  2. Go to "Applications" on the top menu and click "Applications"

  3. Click "Add Application"

  4. Click "Create New App"

  5. Select 'Web' as the platform and "OpenID Connect" as the Sign on method then click the "Create" button.

  6. Name the app "Keyless Account Linking". You can also optionally provide an App logo here, which will display as an icon in the user's portal.

  7. Add the login and logout redirect URI that were provided to you by Keyless.

  8. On the new application page, click on the "Edit" button and change the allowed grant types by selecting Implicit (Hybrid) -> Allow ID Token with implicit grant type and Allow Access Token with implicit grant type.

  9. On the Assignments tab in that same page, click on the Assign button -> Assign to Group. Here you can choose which group of users will access the application. In this case we will choose “Everyone”, which will let every user of the org use the Keyless account linking application.

  10. Back on the General tab, on the bottom of the page, take note of the Client Id and of the Client Secret that Okta provided to you, and send them to Keyless through a secure channel.

Last updated