Forgerock Identity Cloud
The following guide takes you through the process of enabling passwordless biometric authentication on Forgerock Identity Cloud to provide enhanced passwordless authentication experience to users
Last updated
The following guide takes you through the process of enabling passwordless biometric authentication on Forgerock Identity Cloud to provide enhanced passwordless authentication experience to users
Last updated
Keyless and Forgerock have partnered to deliver true passwordless authentication for the workforce and for consumers.
This document provides a step-by-step introduction for configuring Forgerock to work with Keyless. In this guide Keyless will be set up as both an OpenID Connect service provider and a OpenID Connect identity provider (Social Identity Provider) for Forgerock Identity Cloud.
All configuration will be performed on Forgerock Identity Cloud Platform Admin Console.
Log on to Forgerock Identity Cloud Platform Admin console for your tenant:
From Platform Admin Console Dashboard select the realm we will be doing this configuration for, and navigate to Native Consoles -> Access Management
From Dashboard click on Services tile and click on Social Identity Provider Service Link
Click on Secondary Configurations tab and click on Add a Secondary Configuration dropdown select OIDC Provider
Select a name for out IdP client configuration: the table below provides a list on configuration items that need to be filled in
Select a naem from Social IdP configuration
Auth ID Key
OIDC claim that identifies the user
Client ID
OIDC Client ID: Provided by Keyless
Client Secret
OIDC Client Secret: Provided by keyless
Well Known Endpoint
OIDC discovery URL: provided by Keyless
OIDC Issuer URL: provided by Keyless
Client Authentication Method
Authentication method for OIDC Client
PKCE Method
OIDC PKCE coonfiguration
Response Mode
OIDC Response mode
Oauth Scopes
OIDC/OAuth scope parameter
openid profile email
Scope Delimiter
Scope delimiter
OIDC Endpoints
Authorization, token, userinfo, JWKS endpoints: these are all provided by Keyless, also can be retrieved from the OIDC Discovery URL provided.
Redirect URL
OIDC redirect from Keyless IDP on completion of authentication. This will depend on our realm and the name of our Social IdP we chose at the very top of this table
UI Config Properties
Add a property: buttonDisplayName
Add a property:
(URL for the value is provided by Keyless)
Transform Script
Script to transform/normalize the incoming cliams from Keyless IDP
We'll provide a sample script, to do just that, for initial configuration we can choose an existing script from the dropdown list of canned scripts.
ensure that we click the Save button to save our IdP configuration and click enabled toggle button on top to have our IdP configuration active/enabled
Following is a sample normalization script (groovy) for our Keyless Social IdP
Next we'll need to configure an authentication Tree to enable our Social authentication: from realm dashboard select Authentication --> Trees --> Create Tree and provide a name: e.g. KeylessAuth
At this point you can access Forgerock Identity Cloud end user dashboard: you'll be prompted to authenticate with Keyless (as Keyless is the only authentication mechanism configured in this specific Auth tree as shown above)
Here's an alternative sample auth tree that provides options for both password based & Keyless (passwordless) authentication
For enrollment with Keyless we'll need to create a new Application on Forgerock Identity Cloud for Keyless OIDC Service provider.
From our realm dashboard select Applications --> OAuth 2.0 --> Clients --> Add Client
Fill in the information required as described below:
Client ID: Provide a client ID: e.g. KeylessEnrollmentClient,
Client Secret: generate a client secret
If ClientID & Secret is provided by Keyless (that is enrollment service has already been created for you by Keyless) we'll be using those to populate the parameters above.
If we are creating our own ClientID & Client Secret then, both ClientID & Secret need to be sent back to Keyless for configuration on the Keyless Enrollment service.
Redirection URIs: A list of redirection URIs for your Keyless tenant has been provided by Keyless
Scope & Default Scope enter the following: openid profile cn mail
Click Create button and continue
Click on Advanced tab and configure the following:
Grant Types select : Authorization_Code & Implicit
Token Endpoint AUthentication Method select: client_s__s_ecret_post_
Custom Properties type in the following: preferred_username=mail
Click on OIDC tab and configure the following
Client Session URI: this is provided by Keyless
Post Logout Redirect URI: this is provided by Keyless
Backchannel Logout URI: this is provided by Keyless
Post Logout Redirect URI: this is configured based on our realm name e.g. https://<\<forgerock-tenant>>/enduser/?realm=<\<realm-name>>#/dashboard
Click Save and that completes OIDC client configuration.
If we are creating our own ClientID & Client Secret then, both ClientID & Secret need to be sent back to Keyless for configuration on the Keyless Enrollment service
After completing the configuration steps above to configure Keyless OIDC SP/RP for enrollment we can now enrol for Keyless authentication
From a browser navigate to Keyless enrollment URL provided by Keyless
Authenticate using your credentials for Forgerock Identity Cloud
Browser will get redirected to Keyless enrollment page
Download Keyless authenticator app on your mobile device from AppStore or Google play
Scan the QR code displayed on Keyless enrolement page with your mobile device to complete Keyless enrollment
From a browser navigate to an application secured via Forgerock Identity Cloud SSO solution. For example Forgerock Identity Cloud end user dashboard: https://>/am/XUI/?realm=/<>\&authIndexType=service\&authIndexValue=<>#/
Click on Continue with Keyless button
Provide your email enrolled with Keyless already
You'll receive a notification on you mobile device to complete biometic authentication using Keyless