
his page shows you the overview of all the users which have been enrolled in your system.

It consists of three sections:

Search bar

You can use the search bar to find a specific user by typing in their username. Clicking "Search" will take you to individual user page of that specific user.


  • Top 5 users with most authentications in the last 7 days Identifies the user which have been most active (largest number of authentication attempts recorded) in the last 7 days

  • Enrolments in the last 7 days Shows the number of user enrolments in the last 7 days for each day with a trend line

  • Top 5 devices with most users Identifies the devices which have the highest number of users authenticating over a single device

Users Table

Here you will see the username, time of the authentication and authentication outcome. On the right hand side, there is a button to “Download CSV” with all of the data in the CSV format.

Last updated