Add Account

From Keyless Authenticator home screen we'll be able to manage our Keyless account.

  • We’ll assume that at this point we have Keyless Authenticator installed on Windows desktop, Keyless service and the Keyless Tray app are running.

  • Launch Keyless Windows Authenticator App

  • Click New Account button on Home screen

  • You’ll have two options to enroll with the IAM system configured:

    • This workstation: This app itself will act as Keyless authenticator

    • Your mobile phone: Your mobile phone will act as Keyless Authenticator, yu’ll need to download the Keyless app from App Store(iOs) or Google play (Android)

  • If we choose to continue with “This workstation” option, the app will take you to the logon screen for the configured Identity Provider (e.g. OnleLogin)

  • We’ll need to authenticate with our credentials (User ID/Password) for the Identity Provider

  • On successful authentication the application will access your webcam and enroll with Keyless, we’ll see a notification message confirming that “Keyless account created successfully”.

  • We’ll see the enrolled account and devices appear on the home screen of the app.

Using Mobile Phone Authenticator Enrolment option

  • If we choose to continue with “Your mobile phone” option, the app will take you to the logon screen for the configured Identity Provider (e.g. OnleLogin)

  • We’ll need to authenticate with our credentials (User ID/Password) for the Identity Provider

  • On successful authentication the application will display a QR code on the app itself

  • On your mobile phone launch the keyless app

  • Click Add Account button

  • Desktop app will display a QR code and You’ll be asked to scan the QR code with your mobile device to enroll

  • Scan the QR code displayed on the desktop app

  • You’ll be prompted to look into the front facing camera and position your face appropriately by the mobile phone app

  • On successful completion of enrolment you’ll receive a notification on your mobile device also a confirmation message on the Home screen of the desktop application.

Last updated