Overview Page

Upon logging in to the portal, you will land on the Overview page. On the top of the page, you will see various information about your biometric authentication system:

  • System status Shows any issues in Keyless internal system

  • Last Update When was the last time the data on the page was updated

  • Generate Report Button to generate the report out of the statistical data on this page for presentation and analysis purposes\

Widgets and statistical data

Several widgets are available for you to analyse the usage of how your biometric authentication system is being used:

  • Users Enrolled All-time Shows the number of users who have been enrolled into your system since you started using Keyless

  • Authentications All-time Shows the total number of authentications in your system since you started using Keyless

  • Devices Enrolled All-time Shows the number of devices which have been enrolled into your system since you started using Keyless

  • Authentications in last 7 days, per day Shows the number of authentications in the last 7 days for each day with a trend line

  • Percentage of successful authentications in the last 7 days Shows all of the authentication attempts in the last 7 days, split into successful and failed authentication attempts

  • Top 5 reasons for authentication failures in the last 7 days Shows the error codes for most frequent authentication errors from all failed authentication attempts in the last 7 days

  • Total number of users, all time Shows all users in the system split into categories of active and deleted

  • Percentage of successful enrollments in the last 7 days Shows all of the enrollment attempts in the last 7 days, split into successful and failed enrollment attempts

  • Enrollments in the last 7 days, per day Shows the number of enrollments in the last 7 days for each day with a trend line

All of the widgets mentioned here are shown in the report which you can generate at the click of a button, as explained above.

Last updated